Deamia chontalensis

Deamia chontalensis

◊ Sukkulenty (Moskou) 4(1-2):42 (2002)
◊◊ Nyctocereus chontalensis Alex - CSJ(USA) 22():131-133' (1950)
Strophocactus chontalensis (Alex)Bauer - Cact. Syst. Init. 17:54 (2003)
Selenicereus chontalensis (Alex)Kimn - Bradleya 9:90 (1991)

- Prostate, scrambling over rocks, 1 m or longer, yellowish greend. Stems up to 40 cm long, to 5 cm diameter. Ribs (4-)5-6, sharply angled to winged, edges often reddish. Secundary spines 5-7, primary spines 1-4. Spines 0.5-1 cm long, needle like, the middle one somewhat stouter, more or les light brown, later black brown, on the thicker stems also 3-4 additional small spines. Flower 6-8 cm long, strongly scented. Ovary and receptacle with greyish white hairs. Anthers 0.4-0.7 cm lang. Style 2-2.2 cm long, not exerting the anthers. Fruit round, reddish, ±2 cm diameter, with yellow to yellow brown bristles. Seed 3 mm long, light brown.

- Mexico: Oaxaca (T: San Juan Acaltepec), on rocks in pine-oak forest, 700-1800 m.

CSJ(USA) 18():147-150, 165-168; 84(4):200
NCL 268"
EPIG 83:27, 28"