Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri

◊ in: Contr. US Nat. Herb. 16:260 (1913)
◊◊ Epiphyllum russellianum gaertneri Regel - Gartenflora 33:323 (1884)
Epiphyllum makoyanum WWatson - Garden and Forest 2:243 (1889)
Epiphyllum gaertneri (Regel)WWatson - Garden and Forest 2:243 (mei 1889)
Epiphyllum makoyanum Pynaert - Rev. Hort. Belge 15:229 (okt. 1889)
Epiphyllum gaertneri (Reg)KSch - in: Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 4(2):218 (1890)
Phyllocactus gaertneri (Reg)KSch - in: Rümpler, Sukkulenten 147 (1892)
Schlumbergera gaertneri (Regel)Br&R - Contr. US Nat. Herb. 16:260 (1913)
Rhipsalis gaertneri (Reg)Vaup - Die Kakteen 66 (1926)
Epiphyllopsis gaertneri (Reg)Berg - Kakteen 97 (1929)
Epiphyllopsis gaertneri makoyana (Watson)Knuth&Backbg - Kaktus-ABC 158 (1935)
Schlumbergera gaertneri makoyana (Watson)Borg - Cacti 358 (1937)
Rhipsalidopsis serrata Ldgr - Beih. Bot. Zbl. 61(A):379 nom. inval. (1942)
Epiphyllopsis gaertneri tiburtii Backbg&Voll - Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 9:151 (1949)
Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri tiburtii (Backbg&Voll)Moran - Gent. Herb. 8(4):342 (1953)
Epiphyllopsis gaertneri serrata (Ldgr)Backbg - Backeberg 2:724 nom. inval. (1959)
Hatiora gaertneri (Regel)Barthl - Bradleya 5:100 (1987)
Hatiora gaertneri f serrata (Ldgr)Süpplie nom. inval. (1990)

- Bushy, basal stems three- to six-angled, ovoid or elliptic. Areoles with some felt and 6-20 small spines or 1 brownish spine, up to 1 cm long. Secundary stems leaflike, with ± sterile areoles on each side, 1.5-5.5 cm long, 1.3-2 cm broad, yellowish green. Areoles small, with brownish or yellowish spines, mainly on the tip of the stems. Flower apical, red. Ovary and fruit five-angled. Fruit 1.5 cm long, red.

- Brazil: Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul. In deciduous coastal forest, 350-1300 m.

Cact. 4: 183" (1923)
Backeberg 2:723"
Epiphytes 6-21:3; 11-43:83
KuaS 47(4):76"; 50(4):76"
Bradleya 13:74
Succulenta 54(2):35"; 82(1):13"
NCL 139"
Am. J. Bot. 98(9):1549-1572 (2011)
EPIG 85:31