Pseudorhipsalis amazonica

◊ Haseltonia 9:101 (2003)
◊◊ Wittia amazonica KSch - Monatschr. Kakteenk. 13:117 (1903)
Wittiocactus amazonicus (KSch)Rauschert - Taxon 31(3):559 (1982)
Disocactus amazonicus (KSch)Hunt - CSJ(GB) 44(1):2 (1982)

- Profusely branching, stems hanging, linear to linear lanceolate, not very deeply crenated, 15-40 cm long, 4.5-9 cm broad, thick, green. Base round, midrib thick. Flower 2.5 cm long, slightly bend. Ovary with tubercles and triangled scales, naked, 5 mm long. Outer petals up to 1 cm long, lilac. Inner petals up to 0.8 cm long, light lilac to white. Stamens very small. Fruit 1.2-1.7 cm long, angled. Fruit naked. Seed obovoid.

- Peru: Amazonas, Loreto, San Martín, Ucayali (T: near Leticia and Tarapoto); Brazil: Acre, Roraima; Colombia: Amazona, Caquetá, Putumayo, Vaupés; Ecuador: Napo, Pastaza, Sacumbíos, in tropical rainforest.

Cact. 4:206'
Backeberg 2:767
KuaS 27(7):145"; 29(12):289"
Epiphytes 5-20:67'; 6-24:77; 11-44:106"
CSJ(GB) 44(1):2
Taxon 31(3):554-563 (1982)
Cast. Cactaceas amazonicas (1967)
Succulenta 65(2):30
Bradleya 9:88
EPIG 7(2):43; 84:29"
NCL 242"