◊ Mol. Phyl. Evol. 58:456-468 (2011)
◊◊ Rhipsalis epiphylloides CPorto&Werd - Jahrb. DKG 1(7):47" (1935), Rodriguésia 2(5):177" (1936)
Hariota epiphylloides (CPorto&Werd)CPorto&Cast - Am. Prim. Reun. Sul.-Am. Bot. 1938 3:7 (1940)
Pseudozygocactus epiphylloides (CPorto&Werd)Backbg - CJDKG 1941(2):22 (1942)
Hatiora epiphylloides (CPorto&Werd)Buxb - KuaS 8(8):116 (1957)
- Hanging bush, terminal branching. Stems 2-2.5 cm long, 1 cm broad, 2-3 mm thick, with 1-2 sterile areoles per side. Areoles small, naked. Terminal fertile areoles 1-2 mm long. Flower 1 cm long, yellow. Ovary naked, strongly four-winged.
- Brazil: northwestern Rio de Janeiro (Itatiaia mountains). Epiphytic and epilithic in cloud forest, 800-2000 m.
Backeberg 2:720"
Epiphytes 5-18:34, 5-19:48-53; 7-28:89; 8-30:34; 10-36:88; 12-46:39
KuaS 8(8):116; 47(4):0", 75; 48(1):(11")
Sonderb. Naturwiss. Ver. Hamburg 7:241-248 (1983)
CSJ(USA) 52(3):128"
Bradleya 13:0", 74
NCL 138"
EPIG 72:18-32"; 85:31"
Rodriguésia 71 (2020)
Süpplie 15", 17" (2024)