◊ KuaS 21:186 (1970)
◊◊ Cereus microsphaericus KSch - in: Martius, Flora Brasiliensis 4(2):197
More synonyms
- Plants growing on exposed areas with short cylindric or globose stems, 1.5-4 cm long, up to 1 cm diameter. Areoles naked or with up to 15 spines. Plants in shaded positions with cylindric stems (S. obtusangula), up to 4 cm long, 0.5 cm diameter. Areoles naked or weakly spined. Flowers lilac. Fruit globose.
- Brazil: Serra do CaparaĆ³ tot Serra Brigadeiro (border of Minas Gerais and EspĆrito Santo), Serra do Itatiaia (Rio de Janeiro); Minas Gerais. Epiphytic and terrestric in cloud forest, 2200 2800 m. Flowering time: November.
Ep. Hb. 116", 117"
KuaS 28(12):273
Cact. 4:181 (1923) (S. obtusangula)
Cact. 4: 182' (1923) (S. candida)
Backeberg 2:717'" (S. obtusangula)
Backeberg 2:718" (S. candida)
KuaS 28(12):273 (S. obtusangula, S. candida)
KuaS 38(8):198" (S. obtusangula)
Epiphytes 8-31:51, 54; 12-46:39 (S. candida)
Epiphytes 8-31:54, 58" (S. obtusangula)
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