Pfeiffera asuntapatensis

Pfeiffera asuntapatensis

◊ Cact. Syst. Init. 20:6" (2005)
◊◊ Lepismium asuntapatense Kessler,Ibisch&Barth - Bradleya 18:13" (2002)

- Hanging, up to 1,5 m long. Stems flattened, 2,5-3 cm broad, to 4 cm long, 4 mm thick, the edge convex with raised areoles, dark green. Areoles 2,5-4 cm apart, with white wool, 3 mm high, 3-4 mm diameter. Flower lateral, bell-shaped, 1-1,5 cm diameter, 0,7-1 cm long, orange to red. Pericarpel 2-3 mm long and broad, three to five angled, sometimes with small, woolly areoles, orange. Scales 1-2 mm long and broad. Filaments light orange, anthers cream. Style cream, stigma white. Fruit pink to red or orange, ±5 mm diameter.
Flowering November to December.

- Bolivia: only known from the type locality, between Apolo and Charazani (dep. Saavedra, La Paz), in humid montane forest, 1000-1350 m.

EPIG 13(1):26-28"
NCL 232