Pfeiffera monacantha kimnachii

◊ Cact. Syst. Init. 19:8 (2005)
◊◊ Rhipsalis monacantha espinosa Kimn - CSJ(USA) 67(1):38 (1995)
Acanthorhipsalis monacantha ssp. kimnachii Dwld - Sukkulenty (Moskou) 4(1-2):41 (2002)
Lepismium monacanthum espinosa (Kimn)Süpp - Rhipsalis & Lepismium 74 (2007)

- Initially upright, later hanging, up to more than 80 cm long. Main stems at the base mostly three-angled and 1-1,5 cm diameter, remaining part flaqt, 3-4 cm broad, with a thick midrib, dark green. Areoles with white felt, without spines. Flower up to 2 cm long and broad, orange. Ovary up to 6 mm diameter, orange. Filaments yellow. Pistil white. Fruit up to 1,2 cm long, purple-red. Seed 2 mm long, dark brown.

- Bolivia: Cochabamba.

NCL 233"
Cact. Syst. Init 19:4-9 (2005)
EPIG 56:23