Epiphyllum thomasianum

◊ Contr. US Nat. Herb. 16:259 (1913)
◊◊ Phyllocactus thomasianus KSch - Monatschr. Kakteenk. 5:6 (1895)
Phyllocactus macropterus Lem - Ill. Hort. 11: misc. 73 (1864)
Epiphyllum macropterum (Lem)Br&R - Cact. 4:193 (1923)
Epiphyllum macropterum thomasianum (KSch)Borg - Cact. ed. 1a, 359 (1937)
Marniera macroptera (Lem)Backbg - CSJ(USA) 23(1):17 (1951)
Epiphyllum ruestii (Wgt)Backbg - Backeberg 2:751 (1959)

- Primary stems to 3,75 m long or more, with cylindric, angled or ribbed basal part. Flower 28-34 cm long, 20-36 cm diameter. Receptacle 20-24 cm long. Petals 12 13,5 cm long. Outer petals reddish green or reddish yellow. Filaments yellow, anthers brown. Stigmas 11-13, yellow. Fruit angled, except the lower part, 10 cm long, purple-red, pulpa white. Seed 2,8x2,1 mm, black.

- Mexico: Chiapas; Guatemala: Escuintla, Sacatepéquez); Nicaragua; Costa Rica: (Cartago, San José); Panama; Colombia: Magdalena; Ecuador; 50-2000 m.

Cact. 4:193
Cact. 4: 193, 194", plate 17 (E. macropterum)
Ep. Hb. 170'
Ep. Hb. 149' (E. macropterum)
Backeberg 2:751
Backeberg 2:736" (E. macropterum)
Icones. Pl. Succ. 37:162-168" (1965)
CSJ(USA) 22:153, 37:165' (E. macropterum)
CSJ(USA) 37:162-168
CSJ(USA) 37():15-20 (E. grandilobum)
Bravo 1:488, 502, 503, 504"
KuaS 9(2):83-86; 34(4):83" (E. macropterum)
Epiphytes 5-17:15' (E. macropterum)
Bradleya 7:93 (E. macropterum)
Cact. Syst. Init. 17:54 (E. macropterum)
KuaS 54(9):245
NCL 105"
EPIG 73:6