◊ Bradleya 9:88 (1991)
◊◊ Cactus phyllanthoides DC - Cat. Hort. Monsp. 84 (1813)
Cactus speciosus Bonpl non Cavanilles 1803 - Decr. Pl. Rar. Malm. 8
Epiphyllum speciosum (Bonpl)Haw - Supp. Pl. Succ. 84 (1819)
Cactus elegans Lk - Enum. 2:25 (1822)
Epiphyllum phyllanthoides (DC)Sweet - Hort. Brit. 172 (1826)
Cereus phyllanthoides (DC)DC - Prodr. 3:469 (1828)
Phyllocactus phyllanthoides (DC)Lk - Handb. Gewächs. 2:11 (1831)
Opuntia speciosa Steudel - Nom. ed. 2. 2:222 (1841)
Nopalxochia phyllanthoides (DC)Br&R - Cact. 4:205 (1923)
Heliocereus phyllanthoides (DC)Doweld - Sukkulenty 4(1-2):42 (2002)
- Main stem somewhat lignified, stems lanceolate, round at the base, higher part often narrowed, rather thin, with a clear midrib, light green. Flower pinkish red, 10 cm long. Ovary angled, with red scales, naked. Receptacle ±2,2 cm long, with red scales. Outer petals lanceolate. Inner petals narrow, spatulate. Stamens and pistil white. Fruit ellipsoïde, angled, 3-4 cm long, green, later red, naked.
- Mexico: Puebla, Veracruz, Columbia.
Cact. 4:205'
Frst&Rmpl 838
Ep. Hb. 126
Backeberg 2:758
Succulenta 57(6):119,125; 93(5):206"
Ash. 1-1:11
KuaS 28(3):0"
Bravo 1:508, 512, 514"
Cact. Syst. Init. 17:17 (2003)
EPIG 65:24"
NCL 78"