Selenicereus grandiflorus donkelaarii

Selenicereus grandiflorus ssp donkelaarii

◊ Cact. Syst. Init. 17:46 (2003)
◊◊ Cereus donkelaarii SD - Allg. Gartenz. 13:355 (1845)
Selenicereus donkelaarii (SD)Br&R - Cact. 2:200' (1920)

- Creeping or pendulous, up to 8 m long. Stems ±1 cm thick. Ribs 9-10, Blunt. Areoles rather close together. Spines 10-15. Central spines 1, 1-2 mm long. Periferal spiners bristle like, adpressed. Flower 18 cm long. Ovary and receptacle with adpressed hairs. Outer petals reddish, the inner ones white. Lower part of filaments and style greenish, upper part whitish.

- Mexico: Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Campeche; ?Belize.

Cact. 2: 200"
Backeberg 2:783
CSJ(USA) 40:14"
Bravo 1:462, 468, 469"
EPIG 8(3):84
NCL 262"