◊ Cact. 2:207' (1920)
◊◊ Cereus inermis Otto - in: Pfeiffer, Enum. Cact. 116 (1837)
Cereus karstenii SD - Cact. Hort. Dyck. 218 (1850)
Cereus wercklei Web - Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 8:460 (1902)
Selenicereus wercklei (Web)Br&R - Cact. 2:209" (1920)
Epiphyllum steyermarkii Croiz - Phytologia 28:17-20 (1974)
Selenicereus rubineus Kimn - CSJ(USA) 65(1):16-18" (1993)
Mediocactus inermis (O ex Pfeiff)Dwld - Sukkulenty 1-2:42 (2002)
Mediocactus wercklei (Web)Dwld - Sukkulenty 1-2:42 (2002)
- Shiny light green. Stems up to 1.25 cm thick. Ribs 3-5. Areoles wide
apart, initially with some bristles, later spineless. Flower 12-17.5 cm long,
14 cm wide, inner petals white, base reddish. Ribs 3-5, angled. Areoles wide
apart, initially with some bristles, later spineless. Flower ±15 cm long,
white, base reddish. Ovary and receptacle with some spines, without hairs. Outer
petals reddish beneath, higher up yellow green. Inner petals white. Style
thick, reddish. Stigmas yellowish green. Fruit green to yellow.
- Bolivia: La Paz; Columbia: Caldas, Magdalena, Norte de Santander;
Costa Rica: Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste; Mexico: Oaxaca, Chiapas; Panama:
Darién; Venezuela: La Guayra (T), Aragua, Bolívar, Carabobo, Distrito
Federal, Falcón, Miranda, Monagas, Sucre, Táchira, up to 1800 m.
Cact. 2:207, 208'
Backeberg 2:791
KuaS 26:67 (1975)
Bradleya 7:92
Sukkulenty (Moskou) 4(1-2):42 (2002)
Cact. 2:208", 209 (S. wercklei)
Backeberg 2:791 (S. wercklei)
KuaS 27(5)102" (S. wercklei)
EPIG 2(3):29"; 4(2):38; 5(4):86"; 6(1):20
NCL 263"