Selenicereus minutiflorus

Selenicereus minutiflorus

◊ Cact. Syst. Init. 36:33 (2017)
◊◊ Hylocereus minutiflorus Br&R - Contr. US Nat. Herb. 16:240 (1913)
Cereus minutiflorus Vpl - Monatschr. Kakteenk. 23:86 (1913)
Wilmattea minutiflora (Br&R)Br&R - Cact. 2:195 (1920)

- Climbing with three-angled stems, 1,5-3,5 cm diameter. Areoles 2-4 cm apart, with hairs. Spines mostly 1-3, small, brownish, also 3(-6) longer hairy spines. Flower 3-3,5 cm long, scenting. Receptacle 0,6-1 cm long, scales close together, broad, some areoles with bristly spines which are 4 mm long. Outer petals lineair, purple-red. Inner petals up to 3,5 cm long, very narrow, acute, cream. Anthers cream. Style white, stigmas cream. Fruit globose, 4,5 cm diameter, including the fleshy bracteoles, which are up to 1 cm long, with felt en spines, magenta. Pulpa red. Seed pear-formed, 2-2,25 mm long, brown.

- Guatemala: Lago de Izabal (T); Honduras: Atlántida; Mexico: Chiapas; southern Belize, up to 850 m.

Cact. 2: 195, 196", plate 32
Backeberg 2:801, 802", 803"
CSJ(USA) 33:17"; 40:11; 14(1):61'; 55:61
Bravo 1:457, 458"
Epiphytes 7-26:27
Icones. Pl. Succ. 55:61-65" (1983)
EPIG 8(3):84; 10(3): 85'; 11(4):139"; 12(3):83