Selenicereus triangularis

◊ Cact. Syst. Init. 36:34 (2017)
◊◊ Cactus triangularis L - Sp. Pl. 468 (1753)
Cactus triangularis aphyllus Jacq - Stip. Amer. 152 (1763)
Cereus compressus Miller - Gard. Dict. ed. 8nr. 10 (1768)
Cereus triangularis (L)Haw - Syn. Pl. Succ. 180 (1812)
Cereus triangularis major DC - Prodr. 3:468 (1828)
Hylocereus triangularis (L)Br&R - Contr. US Nat. Herb. 12:429 (1909)
Hylocereus cubensis Br&R - Cact. 2:188 (1920)
Mediocactus pomifer Wgt - Zeitschr. Sukkulentenk. 70 (1927)
Hylocereus compressus (Miller)Ito comb. illeg. - Ito 122 (1981)

- Climbing or rambling, stems up to 4 cm diameter, green, with many aerial roots. Ribs sharply three-angled, almost straight, not niet hornlike. Spines mostly 6 8, needle-like, with a thickened base, short, spreading. Flower 20 cm long or more, white. Scales 2 5 cm long, not overlaping. Areoles often with short spines. Outer petals longer than the inner ones, linear lanceolate, acute. Inner petals white. Stigma lobes not dissected. Fruit red.

- Widely distributed on the Caribbean islands.

Cact. 2:183,192, 193'
Cact. 2:188' (Hylocereus cubensis)
Backeberg 2:799 (Mediocactus pomifer)
Backeberg 2:810 (Hylocereus cubensis)
Backeberg 2:814
KL 269 (Mediocactus pomifer)
Cact. Syst. Init. 19:4-7
Kaktusz Világ 1988(4):63
Succulenta 85(5):231"
NCL 140"
EPIG 6(3):69