◊◊ Cact. 2:206" (1920)
Mediocactus murrillii (Br&R)Dwld - Sukkulenty 1-2:42 (2002)
- Up to 6 m and more. Stems 8 mm thick, dark green, with many aerial roots.
Ribs 7-8, low, smal, with flattened sides. Areoles 1-2 cm apart, with white wool. Spines 5-6,
short, the two lower ondes longer, 1-2 cm l, reflexed, greenish tot blackish.
Flower 15 cm long and broad. Areoles on ovary whit white felt and 1-3 spines,
no hairs. Outer petals linear, spreading, green yellow, the outer ones with
purplish backside. Inner petals broad spatulate, white. Filaments and
stigmas cream.
- Mexico: Jalisco, Colima.
Backeberg 2:790
Bravo 1:462, 477
Bradleya 7:92
Cact. Syst. Init. 17:47
NCL 263
EPIG 64:15-19"