Rhipsalis burchellii

◊ Cact. 4:225" (1923)
◊◊ Erythrorhipsalis burchellii (Br&R)Volgin - Vestn. Moskovsk. Univ. Ser. 16, Biol. 36(3):19 (1981)

- Hanging, profusely branching, up to 2 m long. Stems up to 2 mm diameter, dark green to reddish. Areoles small, first with felt, without spines. Flower white, somewhat pinkish, 1,5 cm long, bell-shaped. Fruit pink to red, ±1 cm diameter.

- Brazil: São Paulo (Serra do Mar to Serra de Calda, common in forests around São Paulo City), Espírito Santo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, up to 900 m.

Cact. 4 plate 27
Backeberg 2:658
Epiphytes 12-46:42
KuaS 41(6):101"
Succulenta 77(1):12
Bradleya 13:53", 69
EPIG 58:23-25"
NCL 254"
CEB 223, 235''