Rhipsalis paradoxa

◊ Cact. Hort. Dyck. 1949:228 (1850)
◊◊ Lepismium paradoxum Pfeiff - Enum. Cact. 140 (1837)
Hariota alternata Lem - Horticulteur universel 2:39 (1841)
Rhipsalis alternata (Lem)Lem - Les cactées 80 (1868)
Hariota paradoxa (SD)Küntze - Rev. Gen. Plant. 1:263 (1891)

- Up to 5 m long, hanging. Main stem eventually 5 cm diameter. Stems dichotomously branching, sometimes in whorls, 30-50 cm long, light green, later dark green, often with red edges. Stems 2-5 cm long, up to 2 cm diameter, three-angled, angles and facets alternating between areoles, edges sharp. Areoles without spines, 4-5 cm apart. Flower white, up to 2 cm diameter. Ovary surrounded by a tuft of wool. Stamens translucent white, anthers light-geel. Pistil white. Fruit off-red, depressed-globose, 7-8 mm diameter, half sunken.

- Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul to Pernambuco. Deciduous forest, up to 1600 m. Flowering period October to December.

Cact. 4: 237, plate 28
Frst&Rmpl 883
Backeberg 2:697"
KuaS 25(9):200
Bradleya 13:57"
EPIG 1(4):37"
NCL 256"
CEB 214, 231''
Succulenta 97(2):163"
Rodriguésia 71 (2020)