Rhipsalis micrantha f rauhiorum

◊ Rhipsalidinae (1994)
◊◊ Rhipsalis rauhiorum Barth - Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 10:15 (1974)
Rhipsalis roseana Berg - Zeitschr. Sukkulentenk. 1:22 (1923)
Rhipsalis micrantha f rauhiorum (Barth)Barth&Taylor - Bradleya 13:62" (1995)
Rhipsalis micrantha ssp rauhiorum (Barth)Calvente - Proefschrift, São Paulo (2010)

- Usually terrestric, 80 cm long, branching apically. Stems flat, 6-12 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, deeper crenated than type. Areoles 1-3.5 cm apart. Flower 8-9 mm long and 7-11 mm diameter, white, sometimes with a red fundum. Filaments whitish. Fruit white, 7 mm long, 5 mm diameter, white, more oblong than type. Seed black-brown.

- Ecuador: Loja (T: valley of the Catamayo), in dry areas, 1000-1700 m.

Cact. 4: 246 (Rhipsalis roseana)
CSJ(USA) 51:92
Backeberg 2:671 (Rhipsalis roseana)
KuaS 40(12):308"br> EPIG 62:11"
Succulenta 98(4):245"