Rhipsalis floccosa ssp pulvinigera

◊ Bradleya 13:55" (1995)
◊◊ Rhipsalis pulvinigera Lindb - Gartenflora 38:184 (1889)
Rhipsalis funalis minor Pfeiff - Enum. Cact. 135 (1837)
Rhipsalis gibberula Web - Rev. Hort. 64:426 (1892)
Rhipsalis shaferi Cast non Br&R - An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires 32:495 (1925)
Lepismium pulvinigerum (Lindb)Backbg - Kaktus-ABC 155 (1935)
Lepismium gibberulum (Web)Backbg - Kaktus-ABC 155 (1935)
Rhipsalis floccosa gibberula (Web)Krainz - Kat. ZSS ed. 2, 109 (1967)
Rhipsalis flosculosa Ritt - Ritter 1:42, 282", 283" (1979)

- Initially upright, later pendant. Stems in whorls of four, cylindric, up to 60 cm long, 3-4 mm diameter, dull green, sometimes with reddish hue. Areoles in regular spirals, slightly sunken in small prominence with red ring, naked, when in flower with short, white wool and 1-2 small spines. Scales persistent, 1 mm broad, red-brown, toothed. Flower lateral, ±1.8 cm diameter, greenish white. Stamens short, white. Fruit translucent, light purple, sometimes white, 6-7 mm diameter.

- Brazil: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul; northeast Paraguay. In dry forests, up to 1800 m. Flowering period October to December.

Cact. 4:234, plate 28
Cact. 4:235', plate 29 (Rhipsalis gibberula)
Backeberg 2:692
Backeberg 2:684, 690 (Rhipsalis gibberula)
KuaS 25(9):200 (R. gibberula, R. pulvinigera)
KuaS 50(4):76"; 50(10):246
NCL 255"
CEB 213, 231''
EPIG 79:11", 15
Succulenta 97(5):221"