Rhipsalis floccosa

◊◊ Enum. Cact. 134 (1837)
Hariota floccosa (SD)Lem - Cact. gen. nov. spec. nov. 75 (1839)
Hariota rugosa Küntze - Rev. Gen. Pl. 1:263 (1891)
Lepismium floccosum (SD)Backbg - Kaktus-ABC 155 (1935)

- Upright, later pendant. Stems cylindric, 10-30 cm long, 4-5 mm diameter, dull dark- or grey-green. Areoles irregularly distributed, with much felt. Scales small. Flower 0.5-1.4 cm diameter, greenish white, surrounded by yeollowish or white wool and small spines. Stamens translucent, anthers yeollowish. Pistil white. Ovary light green. Petals greenish white. Fruit dull white, 5-6 mm diameter, flattened, surrounded with wool. Self-fertile.

- Brazil: São Paulo (Serra da Cantareira), Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, EspĂ­rito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco.

Cact. 4:234, plate 29
Frst&Rmpl 886
Backeberg 2:691
KuaS 25(9):200
Bradleya 13:53", 54 (R. rugulosa), 55"
NCL 255"
CEB 212, 230''
EPIG 79:13
Succulenta 97(5):220"
Rodriguésia 71 (2020)