Rhipsalis oblonga

◊◊ Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Jan. 2:36 (1918)

- Pendant, up to 2.5 m long. Primary stem sometimes three-angled. Segments mostly with 1-3(-5) together, leaflike thin, oblong, upper part blunt, at the base more or less three-angeld, sometimes almost cilindrical, 6-12 cm long, rarely more than 3 cm broad. Stems with a clear midrib, the edges weakly undulating, olive or light green, terminal stems ±1 mm thick. Areoles small, 1.4-3.3 cm apart. Spines only in flowering areoles. Flower 1.5 cm long, 1.8 cm diameter, yellowish white. Stamens white. Pistil white. Ovary four-angled. Fruit yellowish green or pink, 5 mm diameter.

- Brazil: Bahía, Rio de Janeiro (T: Ilha Grande), São Paulo, EspĂ­rito Santo, tot 2000 m. Flowering period April to October.

Cact. 4:246, plate 35
Backeberg 2:679
Bradleya 13:52", 61
EPIG 11(1):16"; 12(2):65
NCL 256"
CEB 209, 230''
Calvente 2010'
Succulenta 98(4):247"
Rodriguésia 71 (2020)