Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides

◊◊ Rev. Plant. Succ. 71 (1821)
Hariota mesembrianthemoides (Haw)Lem - Cact. gen. nov. spec. nov. 74 (1839)

- Initially upright, later pendant, profusely branching, up to 40 cm long. Primary stems round, up to 2 mm diameter, up to 20 cm long. Secundary stems spindle-shaped, 0.7-1.5 cm long, 2-4 mm diameter, closely together in tight spiralling rows. Areoles on primary stems with little felt and 1-2 bristly spines. Secundary stems more felted and with 3-4 bristly spines. Flower on secundary stems, white, 0.8 cm long, 1.5 cm diameter. Fruit white.

- Brazil: Rio de Janeiro (Baía de Guanabara), Niteroi, up to 600 m, in parcs.

Cact. 4:222, plate 24
Frst&Rmpl 891
Backeberg 2:655
KuaS 25(12):285"
Epiphytes 12-47:97"
Bradleya 13:56", 66"
EPIG 4(3):51"
NCL 256"
KuaS 66(1)
Succulenta 97(2):165, 166
Rodriguéésia 71' (2020)